Be prepared to expect the unexpected! Powerful work indeed. Walid's energy as the facilitator is very strong and supportive, even over an online webinar! ~ Shant (Ireland)

I’m eagerly waiting for the next session and still am amazed at how the sessions are as effective even though through a vertiual medium thanks to your expert loving guidance through it all. ~ Vinod (Dubai)

The Shamanic breathing was Magical as I was especially into a certain process lately and resolving some unanswered questions within and I would gladly say that it made me find the answers. I was crying like a baby the whole session. It just took me on another planet. I do believe that breathing is the best thing that ever happened to me and I would definitely recommend it! ~ Lea (Beirut)

I uncovered another angle to the reason of one of my limitations. ~ Dana (Saudi Arabia)

I have really enjoyed coming to the Shamanic Breathwork sessions that you host. It’s been like lasers exploding energetic blocks and creating this momentum in my chi, that in itself releases these cycles of deep seated patterns within to be processed. For me since I am new to this particular kind of Breathwork and probably have to navigate deeper in time, it’s been amazing to connect with the strength and power of the breath and the Chi that is within us and animates our stories in this world. And to be able to transform and transmute our particular patterns and stories. ~ Sunaina (Bali)