A very surreal feeling how QUICKLY time flies BY. From a breathwork vision to a dream, and now 7 years later, living this reality. We are forever grateful to all our tribe. May you continue to prosper, shine and journey into your own dreams.


NAFAS is an Arabic word that translates to “Breath”, and its origins go back to that which is alive > Soul / Spirit / Self. Our customized Journeys create an opportunity to recharge, reconnect & rebalance.

Shamanic traditions have used ceremony and ritual for thousands of years as a way of bringing healing to all aspects of the self; Mind, Body, Heart, & Spirit.

Shamanic Breathwork is a powerful healing process that allows the breathers to experience deep healing and transformation on a spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical level. This is done by using connected circular breaths along with chakra attuned music.

Through this transformative process, individuals journey and experience different realms of consciousness, accessing Greater Love, Wisdom, Healing & Transformation.