From the comfort of your own home, you have the ability to Journey into a Non-Ordinary Reality. This is a deep and powerful experience. Safety is our number one priority, if you have any medical conditions mentioned above or any concerns prior to breathing please send us an email and we will connect to help better guide you with your personal condition whatever it may be.



Select a Comfortable Location. Be in a place where you’re not interrupted. Yoga mat on the floor is fine.

Set your Intention prior to breathing to help guide your journey in the right direction.

Smudge yourself with Sage or Palo Santo if available.

preparation list

Wear Comfortable Clothes, something loose to be able to move around in.

A Blanket nearby in case you get cold.

Water Bottle & Kleenex Tissues.

Journal to write your intention and insights after the session.


No Food prior

Have a Light Meal prior, food no less than 2 hrs before the session (full bellies make it hard to do breathwork)!

Sound quality

Good quality WIRED HEADPHONES allow you to connect deeper with the music (better than Pods & Bluetooth).

Connect from your LAPTOP vs the Mobile phone.

Good Internet Connection provides better sound quality


we offer PRIVATE ONLINE BREATHWORK For INDIVIDUALS, corporate teamS, FORUMS & private groups.